Saturday, November 14, 2009

Do Schools Kill Creativity?

Do schools kill creatvity? I have a little bit of mixed feelings on this. I was one of those figity children that Ken Robinson discusses in the video. My experience throughout elementary and high school that I attended was focused on learning. I could say with confidence these schools lacked creativity. We had no art or music program available during elementary school. We concentrated on reading, writing, and math. Even in science as students we listened to the teacher. We never participated in anything hands on. Thank goodness for recess or it would have been unbearable for me. I need to move around, I need to sometimes just listen to music or draw. As a student now I will often just get up from my studies and walk out the door to go for a walk. Just to clear my mind. Today, I see my own children going through the school system now and I have to say I am a bit envious. I want to go back. They have art available for every grade. They paint, draw, sketch, and design. Music is offered to all students as well. They sing and are introduced to different instruments. Every student is given the opportunity to play an instrument in the 4th grade. For P.E. classes they often have dance class, gymnastics, games, rollerblading, and swimming. It continues in the high school as well. For students there are several different education opportunities for them that will meet their needs. One statement that really struck me that Ken Robinson said was "if your not prepared to be wrong, you'll never come up with anything original." I think that is a really powerful statement and it is one that I do see in my children as they have gotten older. My twin sons are in 5th grade now, and when they are doing homework they often second guess themselves when they are answering questions. They come to me for reassurance. Why? Because they are afraid of being wrong. I don't think that is what learning should be about. This video really had me thinking about how I as a teacher can bring creativity into my lessons. This class as well has really gotten my creative juices flowing again and can't wait to use what I've learned in my own classroom.

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