Friday, November 6, 2009

Bad PPP experience...

As a student I have only created one PPP for a class on Child Development. My first time out of the gate was a success and scored high marks from my professor! Bonus!
I have as a student sat through many very boring PPP. One in particular I remember on the Holocaust. The background image was bright pink in color and the text varied between blue and black. There was very little images to go along with the text. It was set up to compare and contrast World War II. Basically it was horrible. I thought the colors were inappropriate for the topic.
Another PPP I recall was when I was at a conference that I attended on agriculture. It was very informational. The speaker had music going along with the PPP, which wasn't distracting at all, but made it more enjoyable. There were many images on the PPP that were on the history of farming beginning in the early 1900's to the present. The speaker did a great job in keeping the information interesting and the dialogue was short. The PPP was about an hour in length. He paused often to ask question and to answer questions from the audience. Its probably the best PPP I have ever seen. One question I have is how long should a good PPP be? Another question I have is what makes a good topic choice?

1 comment:

  1. Great post, Teena. Your descriptions of both the good and bad ppts were clear and easy to imagine. At this point you probably realize a ppt can be as long as you need it to be (1 hour was ok for the good one and probably 5 min. was too long for the bad one!). As for good topic, it's what you need to convey to your audience. It is how you deal with that topic that makes the difference, think of Rosling's talk on statistics!
