Saturday, October 10, 2009

Week 5 Making a WebQuest

I am feeling a bit overwhelmed by the prospect of creating my WebQuest. I have enjoyed choosing my topic of Explorers to the New World and finding appropriate links to help my students.That has definitely been the easy part of my journey! I have also been reading and searching different WebQuests and have even found a few that were about my topic of Explorers. One of them was even pretty similiar to the one I had envisioned mine looking like. It had links to different explorers and maps and it also wanted a powerpoint done to showcase the information the students had found to present to the class. I feel like a copycat in a way even though I found it after my "brainstorm" week. So now I am thinking should I go ahead with my initial design or should I try and do something different? I am also having thoughts that I am totally off track with my "idea" of what a WebQuest really is! Today I am going to continue my reading and research on WebQuest and hope that I will in the end prove to myself that I can do this!

1 comment:

  1. You posted this on the 10t, it is now the 16th and your final draft is due this week so I think you've decided how you'll approach the "should I change it" question. It's important to make it yours, Teena, so I hope you created some unique aspects in your WQ, making it different from the one your found. Make sure to share the link for the one you found, especially if you get ideas or sources from that one.
