Thursday, October 15, 2009

WebQuest; The Pitfalls

I just finished watching the video of Bernie Dodge explaining what to avoid in designing a WebQuest. I took notes as I watched and discovered that some of the information was really a "no brainer" for me. Like don't choose an inappropriate topic. Dodge also states you should avoid designing WebQuests that are covered well by text books, avoid factual recall, and procedures. I was thinking as I heard this "what is covered well by text books? Is my topic of explorers covered well by text books?" I'm really not too sure about this. I'm also not sure by what Dodge meant when he says "give a scaled down version of what adults do" and "when do adults use this knowledge." I liked Dodge's taxonomy though. It did give me a better idea of what his vision for a WebQuest is by breaking it down into "life verbs" and "classroom verbs" and showing what overlapped; apply, analyze, and explain. I hope I'm on the right track with my WebQuest. I may be more confused now than when I began. I'll be blogging more about my journey in building my WebQuest.

1 comment:

  1. I love the Bernie "verbs" too, very helpful. What he means by have kids do something like adults do is he wants a real problem the kids have to solve through their Quest. So for a history project it would be like an anthropologist looking at primary artifacts and data and trying to piece together the real story. This is way different then just learning one person's version of an historical event.
