Monday, December 21, 2009

Reflection on Instructional Technologies for Teaching and Learning

Wow! Here I am 15 weeks later and I survived! At the beginning of the semester I was a bit overwhelmed with all the new technology that was being introduced each week. To begin with setting up this blog was a challenge. I had no clue why blogging would be of any importance to this course. I was so wrong. It actually was refreshing to blog at the end of each week. It was a nice way to round out what I had learned. I can say that now, 15 weeks later I am much more confident about tackling technology. A few assignments during these 15 weeks really had me baffled, but I found with a little patience and an open mind I was able to figure out each task. A special "Thank You!" to Lisa for her encouragement and assistance during those weeks I was really stuck. I have enjoyed interacting with my fellow classmates and was always amazed at their creativity for lesson plans. I am most impressed with Larry's technological savvy and experience in using technology in his own classroom. It's always nice to take a class with experienced educators. Their knowledge is such a huge help.

I learned about blogging! I started my own blog, which I still cannot believe I'm doing. I created a WebQuest on explorers to the "New World." I learned how to "tweet" on Twitter, and read about and watched "vlogs. There is so much more like the powerpoint, databases, surveys, comics, and the movie! Each of these technologies are fantastic educational tools that I will find ways in using them in my own classroom. I have even started a file for links I stumbled across during this semester of other lesson plan ideas that incorporate technology as part of the lesson plan.

Also through this course, I finally created my e-portfolio "live" on the web. I am pleased with how polished and professional it looks now, compared to the beginning of the semester! I think it contains some great information and I know that as I continue on with my own education it will continue to change and grow. Just like me! Twenty years ago when I graduated high school, there was only 6 computers in the high school I attended, and I never got the opportunity to actually use one of them. Today computers and technology in general are used in schools beginning in Kindergarten. As a future educator, I feel this is one of the most important classes I have taken thus far. I really needed to have a better understanding of technology and how to use it in a classroom setting.

1 comment:

  1. Super job Teena, you've come a long way and it really shows in your final ePortfolio!

    Happy holidays,

