Monday, December 7, 2009

Educational Philosophies

This week I am to do some research into the different educational pedagogies and "makeover" my own philosophy of education. Truth be known it really needs to be updated. It's been quite some time and I have learned so much since then. There a few educational pedagogies that seem to fit with how I learn. This would be "Learning Styles" and Howard Gardner's "Multiple Intelligence Theory". My current philosophy of education is based on "Progressivism." I did some research here .
Progressivism Theory is based on "education that should focus on the whole child, rather than on the content or the teacher" and "Effective teachers provide experiences so that students can learn by doing" (Cohen). At the moment I still love this idea, but I also recognize that not all students are going to learn the same way.

I looked around at some educational blogs that were linked to
Most of the blogs were frustrated educators trying to find a way to connect to their students. To tell the really bummed me out. Then I found a blog called "History is Elementary." Mainly because I LOVE history! This teacher loved history as well and not just the big events in history. She enjoyed learning and teaching the small stuff too! Here is a link to her blog;
One thing that stood out to me while browsing through her blog was how she was trying to find a way to motivate her students. "Every human has different needs at different times that govern motivation. It is up to us as the educators to discover each student’s needs at the right time and at the right place so that we all can be successful. Research tells us that students can be goverened by approximately seven different needs that we can meet once we tap into them. It’s the tap dance that we have to do that causes the difficulty. Sometimes we are a little rusty with the steps" (
So its time for me to get motivated and update my own "Philosophy of Education" : )

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